This is the second of two samples for a turn-based combat game framework for Unity. It allows for creation of simple game structures. All the behaviours are defined in scripts which expose numerous variables to the Unity Editor for granular customization.

The framework features a character creation screen with the possibility to choose from a maximum of 5 previously created characters, all of them being of type “ranged” or “melee”, referring to attack styles. A ranged character will attack from distance while a melee needs to get close to perform abilities.

All characters currently start with the same HP(health points) and Mana values with their first two abilities unlocked.

After selecting a character, you will be prompted to select a mission/battle. The sample provides 3 missions which are unlocked in order. In the left part of the screen is the player’s selected character and underneath the HP & Mana bars are the abilities that you can use with their corresponding mana costs. The last party to survive wins. After completing a mission for the first time you are prompted with an Upgrade Panel which lets you choose from one ability, HP and Mana upgrades.

Note: The remaining two upgrades will not be available to unlock later on.

Sample 1 provides the same number of missions, different character models, animations, scenery and visual effects to demonstrate the customization capabilities of the framework. Note that the ranged character has the same animations and visual effects except for the healing ability.

Sample 1:

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